Pickled Curried Carrots

Pickled Curried Carrots

Makes 1 Quart

2          Cups Granulated Sugar

2          Cups Apple Cider Vinegar

2          Teaspoons Yellow Mustard Seed

2          Teaspoons Mild Curry Powder

1          Bay Leaf

1         Teaspoon Coarse Sea Salt

10       Small Red Pearl Onions, Peeled and Left Whole

10       Medium Size Carrots, Peeled and Cut into 4” Long Sticks, 1/4” Thick

In a large non-reactive saucepan combine the sugar, vinegar, mustard seed, curry powder, bay leaf and salt. Stir to combine and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes until slightly syrupy. Add the onions and carrots and simmer for 3 minutes.

Place the carrots, standing straight up, and the onions in a quart sized glass jar. Carefully pour the hot liquid into the jar covering the carrots and onions. Cool to room temperature uncovered. After completely cooled, cover and refrigerate for up to one month.

2 Responses to Pickled Curried Carrots

  1. Susie Q says:

    Can these be sealed and stored for future use?

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