Makes a Good Sized Pitcher Full
(Party Size)
2 Dozen Ripe Cherries, Pitted and Stems Removed
3 Cups Tequila
1½ Cups Chambord Or Any Raspberry Liquor
¾ Cup Simple Syrup (Equal parts water and sugar boiled until the sugar dissolves and liquid is slightly thickened
1 Cup Bottled Cherry Juice
Lime and Kosher Salt to Rim the Glasses
Whole Cherries with Stems for Garnish
Muddle the cherries until they become smashed and juicy (I don’t know any other way to tell you this procedure) and put into a pitcher. Add the Tequila, Chambord, Simple Syrup and Cherry Juice to the pitcher and stir well. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
To serve, rim a good sized rock glass with the lime and salt. Pour some of the Margarita into a drink shaker with a little ice and shake vigorously. Fill salt rimmed glass with ice and pour the Margarita into the glass. Garnish with Cherries. Drink With Caution!!!! If you are drinking this outside of your home and driving is involved I suggest you have a designated driver.

Now That Looks Good!!!!