Christmas Dinner 2017

Christmas is a week away and I have finally settled on my Christmas Dinner Menu. My favorite entree for Christmas Dinner has always been Prime Ribs of Beef.  This year I decided to get away from the ALWAYS and do something a little different. Of course it involves meat and I am going in the direction of Roasted Tenderloin of Beef. I also have some non-beef eaters dining with us so I’ve added Roasted Pancetta Wrapped Shrimp  served with Pesto and Tomato Marmalade.

Christmas Dinner

Charcuterie, Cheeses, Condiments

Caesar Salad with Garlic Croutons and Shaved Parmigiano Reggiano

Roasted Tenderloin of Beef with Cabernet Sauce and Sauce Béarnaise

Roasted Pancetta Wrapped Shrimp with Pesto and Tomato Marmalade

Haricot Verts with Pecans

Potatoes Dauphinoise


Christmas Cranberry Tart with Crystalized Ginger and Ginger Gelato

Charcuterie, Cheeses, CondimentsAntipasti


 Caesar Salad with Garlic Croutons & Shaved Parmigiano Reggiano

Roasted Tenderloin of Beef with Cabernet Sauce & Béarnaise

Sauce Bearnaise

Roasted Pancetta Wrapped Shrimp with Pesto and Tomato Marmalade

Haricot Verts with Pecans

Potatoes Dauphinoise

 Christmas Cranberry Tart with Crystalized Ginger

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All!

This entry was posted in Accompaniments, Ahh Haa Moments, Antipasti, Beef, Caesar Salad Dressing, Cheese, Condiment, Condiments, Cranberries, Cranberry Citrus Compote, Cranberry Tart, Dessert, Dessert/Pastry, Desserts, Dried Cranberries, Entree, Food For Thought, Fruit Desserts, Hints and Tips, Meat, Pancetta, Pate Sucre, Pistachio, Potato, Potato Dauphinoise, Salad, Salad Dressing, Sauces, Seafood, Tenderloin of Beef, Vinaigrettes and Dressings and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.